Tuesday 18 August 2020

Future of the World | What will Happen 100 years Later? | The Inner Vision


 The whole world is developing day by day. Now we are in a digital world, where daily scientists are discovering lots of hidden things throughout the world. Lots of powerful and intelligent machines are developing every day. Humans became smarter and inventing some unbelievable gadgets. Everything became smarter now. let's go back 100 years earlier, where the communication system was not very much strong like now. At that time people even never imagine what is a smartphone and what a smartphone can do. 100 Years earlier Radios Were a Main Source of Entertainment. But now everything changed. Now we have TVs, we have smartphones and now communication is a lot easier... But what is in the future, at least once you might think about how our world looks like in the future? can we found another earth-like planet and will start to live there? can we able to make a time machine and travel in time? Many questions arise in our minds. So this is for you, read till the end. 

1) Science and Technology will reach sky high

Obviously, you can imagine that, as in the last 100 years how much humans developed and especially how much the science and technology developed. in the next 100 years, science and technology will reach the sky-high, where there will be more smart gadgets like the phone became more smarter, you might don't need to charge your phone daily, your phone will be your best friend, because In that time AI will more advance, and probably you can talk with your mobile with some special Ai qualities. Not only mobiles, your computers, laptops even your watch became too much smarter. With technology the Science and its inventions and discoveries will be much easier, we don,t need to wait for any results for a long time. Scientists and researchers will discover such things which we can't imagine. Its pretty sure that in the next 100 years scientists will discover an earth-like planet, because in this whole universe there is somewhere obviously a planet where we can live. And probably there is a possibility of life on that planet. With the hand of more smarter technology science will rise higher.

2) Nanorobots will be in our body cells

You definitely hear about this in science fiction movies, that nanorobots implanted in a human body and then the human get some robotic qualities. Obviously, it can be true. Maybe in the next 100 years,  we will able to create such nanorobots that will flow in our cells. Probably they will make us more smarter, and our body will recover from every wound very fastly. Probably they can kill the viruses in our body, and we don't need medications for any decease. This sounds impossible, right? But with technology and proper science, nothing can be impossible. 

3) Robots will be everywhere

It's surely gonna happen, as in this time many companies using robots to do their work. In the next 100 years, robots will be everywhere. In the streets, in transport, in vehicles, and even in your home also. You will have your own robot friend and will play with you. With the help of robots, life will be easier because robots will do all the work. But If robots are only made for our work, our work will be a lot more easier, but if they got intelligence they can simply overtake us. Renowned physicist, cosmologist, and author of A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking once said that robots, powered by artificial intelligence could overtake humans in the future.

ALSO, READ THIS:-7 Reasons for which our Earth could Destroy

4) Time Machine

Who doesn't want to travel in time? we everyone wants to travel in the future to see how we are living in future, and in past to stop ourselves to do some mistakes. Can we able to travel in time? If somehow we manage to travel in the future but its quite impossible to travel in the past, there are many reasons. Time travel is a very complex thing. If you want to know more about time travel stay tuned with our channel. It's obvious that time travel is quite hard, but as I previously mentioned, Science with technology, nothing can be impossible. It is sure that in the future there will be many experiments for time traveling, as there are many possible ways are also available. So now we can tell that in the next 100 years the experiments might take place but the result no one knows.

5) Flying and automated cars

In the next 100 years, we can expect to see flying cars. If you ever dream to ride in a flying car your dream gonna fulfill in the next 100 years, if we can live the next 100 years. But it's sure this is gonna happen, as many companies already working on this project. With flying cars, there will be ai based automated cars. Yes, there will be not any drivers. And those cars will be superfast, for example, if now going somewhere takes 1 hour, in the future in just some minutes we will be able to cover the distance.

6) Our planet became more hotter

Climate change is already transforming our world. One 2015 study predicted that Greenland’s usually cold summers could become completely ice-free by 2050. Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and fatal. The world’s sea levels are on track to rise 2 to 3 feet  by 2100, which could displace up to 4 million people worldwide. Recent research from the University College of London revealed that we could have a 66 percent chance of hitting the rise of 1.5-degree C target in 2100. We should remember that if the global warming raise higher and other things which can affect our earth badly, then everything could change. So we need to be aware. 

These are some probabilities which could happen in the next 100 years, but as we everyone no Future is unpredictable, what when and how things will happen no one knows.


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