Sunday 9 August 2020

Top 6 Unbelievable SCIENCE MYTHS | The inner Vision


 Science, science, and science. Science is really a great thing. science is eveerywhere around you, and  What about myths? its true that myths are also around you. But what if i tell you that there are many myths exists in science. Do you believe, or thinking that i am just joking. Obviously i am not joking, there are myths in science.  Here i am gonna discuss about top 6 myths about science. Make sure you read till the end.

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6) You can kill a virus

This is just completely wrong. No you can't kill a virus at all. yes you can detroy it or you can deactibate it. But you can't kill a virus. The reason is that  it wasn’t alive to begin with. One of the requirements for life is the ability to reproduce and the virus is out of luck on that score. Viruses are not alive – they are inanimate complex organic matter. They lack any form of energy, carbon metabolism, and cannot replicate or evolve. Viruses are reproduced and evolve only within cells.

5)  Humans use only 10% of their brains

If you are believing this since long time, but i am sorry to tell you that, its also a myth. The human brain is quite busy all day and night using about 20% of the body's resources and your brain never really “turning off” until death. Meanwhile, most every part of the brain is busy doing all sorts of things even when you aren't paying attention. In fact, various parts of your brain are active all the time, far more than the mythical 10%. Learning a new skill, gaining a new memory, or thinking about something, can all stimulate your brain in different ways but they aren't activating an unused part. Instead, they are utilizing an active part for a new purpose.

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4) Lightning never strikes the same place twice

Do you really think that Lightning never strikes the same place twice ? If you, sorry you are wrong. Lightning is a huge electrostatic discharge searching for a way down, and it isn’t particularly interested in whether or not it has been hit before. Taller objects, such as trees and tall buildings, are usually choice targets because there is a shorter distance between that and the origin of the lightning. The tallest tree in a forest can get struck several times until the storm passes. And do you know?  lightning strikes the Empire State Building around 100 times per year.

3) We have five senses

Now you are thinking that how this can be true, from our childhood you read that human have 5 senses, and i am just lying. But, Besides the five empirical senses which are sight, sound, touch, taste and smell,  there are at least four other senses that are rarely cited. Wait wait, i know now you are not believing actually, but wait, i am telling what are the other 4 senses are, They are- proprioception— which menas sensing one's orientation in space, thermoception— the sense of temperature, equilibrioception—sense of balance and the 4th one is  interoception—sense of one's physiological condition. So now you can tell others that you have 9 senses.

2) Hair and fingernails continue growing after death

Yeah some people still believe in this. but in order to grow fingernails and hair after someone's death is quite impossible, because the person would need to still be eating and digesting nutrients and performing cellular processes. Of course, that would interfere with the whole “being dead” thing. So there’s no way the body is producing more keratin in order to make hair and fingernails. and again its completely a myth.

1)  When you call someone, the signal goes through a satellite

Obviously its true that it happeend with satelite phones, which military uses for their work.,, but but and but your mobile phone works in a much different way. Mobile phones broadcast a wireless radio signal and constantly look for, ping, and relay data to and from land-based cellular towers. When you make a call, the nearest tower connects you to another phone via a vast network of tower-to-tower connections and buried cables. This is how all happens.

Okay so these are the top 6 best science myths .. If you learned something today, i hope you learned. Thanks For Reading

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