Friday 17 July 2020

Top 7 Mind Blowing Psychological Facts | The Inner Vision

Psychology is the study of mind and behavior. It encompasses the biological influences, social pressures, and environmental factors that affect how people think, act, and feel. If you know about human 
psychology you can easily understand not only other person's behaviour, what they are feeling also it can help you to understand yourself. Here today i am with 7 psychological facts you surely want to know.

1. Accepting negative emotions helps in gaining peace of mind

We often force ourselves to hide our negative feelings such as anger and resentment. But psychological studies have shown that instead of suppressing them, we must try to accept them. Accepting the
negative emotions can help us to maintain our peace of mind and will lead to better mental health. It helps us to become emotionally resilient, Also, acknowledging the dark emotions lowers anxiety and
depression.  A study shows that over time acceptance leads to positive psychological health and increases the feeling of satisfaction in one’s life, also proves that when people habitually began accepting
negative emotions, they feel elevated levels of well-being. So next time don't run from negative emotions, accept it.

2. Beginnings and ends are easier to remember than middles

When people are asked to recall items from a list, they're most likely to think of things from the very end, or from the very beginning, found one study published in Frontiers of Human Neuroscience.
Maybe you also experioence this, in most of the the cases when you are recalling something like after reading a story book, or watching a movie, you remeber the beginning and the end easily than
the middle part. It is called Serial-position effect, it is the tendency of a person to recall the first and last items in a series best, and the middle items worst. The term was coined by Hermann
Ebbinghaus through studies he performed on himself, and refers to the finding that recall accuracy varies as a function of an item's position within a study list.

3. We'd rather know something bad is coming than not know what to expect

Researchers who published their work in the journal Nature have found that it's less stressful to know something negative is about to happen than when we don't know how things will work out.
That's because the part of our brain that predicts consequences—whether good or bad—is most active when it doesn't know what to expect. But it is obvious that we all want to know something bad
or good is coming than not know what to expect.

4. Humans can’t multitask

You may hear people claiming that they’re natural multitaskers, and you've probably even seen it in some job requirements, but the fact is humans simply cannot multitask. Sure, you can listen to music
while you work, but your brain can only process one higher-function task at a time. That means that you’ll either be doing work and mainly ignoring the music or listening to the music and ignoring your
work. People simply cannot think about two things at once

5. You Make Most of Your Decisions Unconsciously

You like to think that when you make a decision you have carefully and logically weighed all the relevant factors. You might think you are, but actually this is not what you think .  the recent research, shows
 that although you want to think that your decision-making is a conscious, deliberate process, it’s not. Most decisions are made through unconscious mental processing. The majority of your 
decisions are made in your subconscious because otherwise, your conscious mind would be overwhelmed with information and you’ll probably get mentally frozen. The reason for this is that your
brain receives over 11 million bits of information every second, and there’s simply not enough “brainpower” to go through all of it consciously.

6. The brain actually feels rejection as physical pain

Everyone has felt the great pain of rejection at some point in their lives, but did you know that rejection does not merely cause emotional pain, but actual physical harm too? Even if you can't feel any
physical pain, scientists have found that the reactions and cascading events that take place in the brain after being rejected or experiencing physical pain are almost identical. What's more, the same
natural chemical is released in both instances, too.

7. Some people enjoy seeing anger in others

Yeah, its true. But for some peoples. In one University of Michigan study, people with high testosterone remembered information better when it was paired with an angry face than a neutral one or no face,
 indicating they found the angry glare rewarding. The researchers said it could mean that certain people enjoy making someone else glare at them—as long the flash of anger doesn't last long enough to be
a threat. 
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