Friday 17 July 2020

Top Deep Sea Facts You Must Need To Know

Sea, we love sea, sea beach,  the waves, blue water, small cute cute fishes, surfing, playing games, and sunset in the evening. Everything looks beautiful 
about sea, isn't it, yeah yeah Seas are beautiful i know. But Stop, its true outside of ocean is beautiful, But is outside is everything? Obviously not, 
So what is inside ? What is in the deep sea? Is their everything beautiful? or their is something we need to fear about. So lets discuss about some most
amazing and creepy facts about deep sea.

First You need to know where the deep ocean starts, the deep ocean starts from around 200 meters below from the surface of the ocean,  where the sunlight
starts to fade, from 200 meters the twilight zone stars and it ends in 1000 meter. From 1000 meter below from the surface, their is no sunlight and the 
temperature of the water become 0 to 3 degree celcius.

The deepest point of the Mariana Trench is known as the Challenger Deep. The maximum known depth of the deep see is 10,984 metres and it is way more deeper
than the Mount Everest as The height of mount everest is 8,848 just think if you put mount everest in the maximum point of the deep sea,
the everest look smaller. In the maximum depth of the deep sea the temperature of water is above freezing and there the pressure is more than 1000 times
than the surface. In 2012  James Cameron reached a record depth of 35,756 feet or 10,898 meters and it is the first solo mission to the bottom of the 
Challenger Deep. 

In a research it was found that their are more than 10 million speicies are in the deep sea and most of them are not yet discovered. And do you know yet 
only 5% of the earth's ocean have been dicoverd, and other 95% is still mystrey. It is also been said that we know more about the surface of the moon than
the deeper ocean.

Do you believe their can be treasures in ocean? yes its true. According to the National Ocean Service, our oceans holds million pounds of gold. scientists
estimate, There is enough gold on the seafloor to give every person alive nine pounds, That would be worth about $150 trillion, or $21,000 per person.
but profitably mining them is far beyond our current abilities. 

Now lets talk About some deep sea cretures

May be you hear about sharks or maybe you see them in the surface of the ocean. They Lived in Open water. But in deep water there are also some species of 
sharks are alived and they are just too creepy. Some of the sharks named Cookiecutter Shark just look at its teeth,  Goblin Shark the oldest living species
of shark on the planet, and others are Sixgill Shark, and Ghost Shark. wait their was also a shark named Megalodon it is an extinct species of shark that
lived approximately 3.6 million years ago.and could you belive the Megalodon could grow upto 60 feet long, just think how tiny we are to Megalodon.

Without sharks there are lot more creatures available in deep sea, like  Giant Squid which is weighed upto 440 pounds, Fangtooth Fish, which is no way funny
at all, And Blue whales which mesured around 80 to 100 feet long and weighted between 100_150 tons. And just not this, there are lot lot more sea creatures 
which are still undisovered, and the most important thing to notice that we can't imagine right now how harmful, how much big and how much dangerous
they can be. 

Okay is just deep sea creatures are only mystrey? Not at all. In 1997 scientists recorded something they couldn’t explain. in the Southern pacific ocean 
They recorded something stange and extremely loud sound. They Call it The Bloop. After 15 years, the NOAA concluded that the noise came from an icequake,
 which is when seismic activities cause a break in frozen ground. However, many people still question this conclusion. 

Also there are many lost cities are under the sea and there are also many shipwrecks are found, estimately arond 3 million, and the oldest known underwater
shipwreck yet discovered is the Dokos shipwreck.

Its not end, there are lots of amazing  and scary things are in deep sea. Who knows what is under the sea? maybe someday we can dicover that, till then
we have to wait.

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