Wednesday 8 July 2020

What would happen if there was no light?


What would happen if there was no light?

Hi, i am sure you know " how important the light is for us, for plants, for our earth i mean for life, for everything. Due to the presence of light earth has got life on it. As we are talking about light, the first thing we have to remind about the source of light. what do you think about the source of light? At first the sun, the fire, the electrical bulb and so on. Now if i ask you what's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? what's your answer? If you are like a lot of people, you might go to the nearest window, open the blinds, and let the morning sunshine warm your face. There's nothing quite like the sun's rays to brighten your day and get you started off right. So, can you imagine it, exactly what would happen if there was no light? Can we live without light?

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.


1.The first problem that we have to face. Our visibility or sight:

We are all well known with the important role of light to make anything visible to us. However, i make you remind it once more time. At first we have to clear " how does an object visible to us?" Actually when the light comes from it's source and fall on a object, at first it is reflected by the object. If this reflected light comes to our eyes and only if this light makes an image on  the retina of our eyes, the retina convert the light into neural signals and send these neural signals on to the brain for visual recognition. That's why we see that object. 
So, it's your turn to understand it. If there is no light you can not see yourself, you can not see your surroundings, even not be able to watch this video, not  be able to see the earth, to see everything. Ultimately you would be blinded. It's just not for you, it's for all who have the vision power.

2. Photosynthesis:

Photosynthesis is an important biochemical pathway involving the production of sugar(glucose) from light, water and carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. It is a series of complex biochemical reactions
and occurs in higher plants, algae, some bacteria and some photoautotrophs. Nearly every life depends on this process. The rate of photosynthesis is related to concentration of carbon dioxide, temperature and light intensity. It gets energy from absorbed photons and uses water as a reducing agent. so i'm sure you have imagined that without  light it's impossible to occur photosynthesis. Now the point is what will happen if there is no photosynthesis.
There are mainly four things occur ...

  • lack of food:

You have already know trees produce food with the help of photosynthesis and maximum foods come from the plants. So if there is no light, there is no photosynthesis, so there will no production of food.

  • Lack of oxygen:

Oxygen makes up roughly 21% of the earth's atmosphere, but you probably know that already. What you might be surprised to find out, however,is that only half of this oxygen is produced through photosynthesis in trees and other plants on the land. The other half is produced in oceans, by microscopic marine organisms called phytoplankton.  So, i expect that you probably have understood it easily that if there is no photosynthesis, there is no production of oxygen. Although there is some bacteria that produces oxygen without light but this process is less productive.

  • Life & plants:

So without photosynthesis trees cannot survive and they will die within a short time. You already have known how important the oxygen is for us, for a life to survive. So without food and oxygen we can not live at all.

  • Fire would be meaningless:

We all know well it's needed oxygen to make a fire. But due to the  absence of oxygen it would not be possible to make fire. That's why we would not be able to cook. Now if i consider that somehow without  oxygen we survive for a time then what will be happen? We will eat a lot of bacteria during taking food. So we will get sick much more.

3. cold earth:

 Light is an energy and it keeps the earth warmth. If light would vanish, Earth quickly became a much colder place. But fortunately, Earth retains heat fairly well, so humans wouldn't freeze instantly.Life would get much more difficult immediately.
Although, no one can know exactly what would happen, Scientist estimate that the average global surface temperature would drop below 0ºF within a week or so. It don't create any problem. But the problem is that the temperature would continue to drop steadily. Within a year, the average global surface temperature could dip well below -100ºF. 
By that time, the top layers of the oceans of the world would have frozen over. Although the frozen top layers of the oceans would insulated the deep waters below, keeping them liquid for hundreds of thousands of years, they would eventually freeze as Earth moved toward a stable average global surface temperature of about -400ºF. At that point the atmosphere would have also frozen and fallen to Earth, leaving anyone left alive exposed to the harsh cosmic radiation that travels through space.  

4.visibility of moon and other planets:

If it was already dark on our side of the world, we'd notice the Moon suddenly disappear. Why? The Moon does not produce light. We only see the Moon because sunlight reflects  off of it. As the sunlight that was illuminating the Moon disappears, so would the Moon! The same would go for the many other celestial bodies in the sky, such as planets, which we see only because of the Sun's reflected light.

5.Chemical reaction:

In many chemical reaction light plays an important role. But with the absence of light they can't be occur.

6. Light as a beam of photons:

Light is photons, the carrier of the electromagnetic force. If you are talking about visible light, the above answers are good. But if you are asking about all photons i mean all  electromagnetic radiation, obviously the answer is different.
Let us take a short concept about the  electromagnetic Radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is an electric and magnetic disturbance traveling through space at the speed of light (2.998 × 108 m/s). It contains neither mass nor charge but travels in packets of radiant energy called photons, or quanta. Examples of EM radiation include radio waves and microwaves, as well as infrared, ultraviolet, gamma, and x-rays.
Some sources of EM radiation include sources in the cosmos (e.g., the sun and stars), radioactive elements, and manufactured devices. EM exhibits a dual wave and particle nature.
The only way all such radiation to disappear is for the electromagnetic force to disappear. And if the electromagnetic force will disappear all matters as we understand it falls apart. So there will have no atoms, no molecules even not you, not me. Which will be the end of the universe as we know it.

Thank you...
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