Wednesday 1 July 2020

Top 5 Horror Animals You need to learn about | Top Horror Creatures


Estimately there are about 8.7 million species living in the world. Till date around 1.3 million of species have been found and described, as there are more to discover.
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We love to see animals, also much people have pets like dogs, cats, birds and other things, those are cute. But beside those there are more 
animals lived. Some are beautiful and some are too scary, which might can give you goosebumps. Here are some top 5 animals which are too scary. lets 
discuss about them.

okay here is no
5) Goliath Birdeater
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Yup it is the largest spider in the world, its size is around 30cm and weighed 170gm. Its found in northern america and its belong to terentula family.
the giant huntsman spider does have a larger leg-span. Goliaths don’t usually eat birds, but they are big enough to be able to—and occasionally they do.
“Birdeater” came from an 18th-century engraving that showed another kind of tarantula eating a hummingbird, which gave the entire Theraphosa genus
the name birdeater.Althogh it mostly eats Insects, snakes, rodents and lizards. Glodiath don't spin webs to trap food, as they use their weaving
skills in another way: to line their burrows under the forest floor. When they were threatened, Goliath birdeaters can shoot tiny, barbed hairs 
from their body. These extremely tiny hairs irritate to the skin, and can get caught in the eyes, nose, and mouth and this can cause great agitation of 
the attacker. Male Goliath birdeaters typically die a few months after mating. The female spins a web, lays 50 to 200 eggs in that web, gathers the web 
into a ball, and carries it around. Thogh this creature is not a thrat to humans as the venom is not deadly to us, but the size and its look can definately
scare us.

4) Aye-aye
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The aye aye, name sounds funny, but this animal is no way funny at all. The aye aye is a long fingured lemour, found in Madagascar. It has rodent-like teeth
that perpetually grow and a special thin middle finger. It is the world's largest nocturnal primate. A complete-grown aye-aye is typically about three 
feet long and The species has an average head and body length of 14–17 inches plus a tail of 22–24 inches, and weighs around 4 pounds. Aye-ayes are dark
brown or black and are distinguished by a bushy tail that is larger than their body. They usually spend their live in the tress of rain forest and avoid to
come in the ground. It eats seeds fruits and also insects and honey. Many people native to Madagascar consider the aye-aye as a symbol of death. For this 
reason they often have been killed on sight. Aye-ayes can now be found in 16 different protected areas in Madagascar, and they are protected by law. 

3) Star Nosed Mole
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The star-nosed mole is a small mole and it is native to eastern North America. This animal have a touch organ with 25,000  minute sensory receptors, 
known as Eimer's organs. This creature is about 6 to 8 inches in lenth and 35 to 75 gram in mass. Star-nosed moles are found in a variety of habitats
with moist soil. Unlike other North American moles. e most moles, the star-nosed mole is an insectivore, eating aquatic bugs, as well as earthworms
and small fish. And it is one of two animals in the world known to smell underwater, by blowing air bubbles and sucking them back into its nose.
Scientists are studying the star-nosed mole's nose because its design makes it receptive to detecting minute seismic waves and therefore help predict
earthquakes earlier. As they are not a big threat to humans but it is scary.

2) Black Mamaba
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The black mamba is a species of venomous snake and it is the second-longest venomous snake after the king cobra. A mature black mamba generally exceed 2 
to 3 meter. Also 4-5 metere specimens are reported. Black mambas are fast, nervous, lethally venomous, and when threatened, highly aggressive. They have 
been blamed for numerous human deaths. it can move at speeds up to 10 mph for short distances. Despite its name, the snake is not black. Instead,
it ranges in colour from gray to dark brown, with a lighter underside. The black actually refers to the colour of the inside of its mouth. Black mambas
are shy and will almost always seek to escape when confronted. However, when cornered, these snakes will raise their heads. The life span of the Black
Mamba is recorded upto 11 years. It mostly preys on small vertebrates such as birds, and small mammals like rodents, and bats. The black mamba is the most 
feared snake in Africa because of its size, aggression, venom toxicity and speed. And this snake is also classified as a snake of medical importance by 
the World Health Organization.

1) Poison Dart Frogs
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The poison dart frogs are native to tropical Central and South America. A single "golden poison frog" harbours enough poison to kill 10 grown men,
making these frogs perhaps the most poisonous animals alive. They are small, as the largest are no more than 6cm long, and some are just 1.5 cm.
Indigenous Emberá people of Colombia have used its powerful poison for centuries to tip their blowgun darts when hunting. They usually eats ants and beetles.
scintists are not sure about the source of the poison of these frogs, but they think that these frogs assimilate plant poisons which are carried by
their prey.There are more than 100 species of poison dart frogs. Poison dart frogs are brightly coloured, with a wide range of patterns. Their colours
include white, black, yellow, orange, red, green and blue, and this bright colour is a warning to the predators.

althogh their are many many scary animals are in the world, some of the creatures are not yet discovered. Maybe Many more new species are yet to come 
in existance in future.

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